
Launch movie
You see the auxiliary balloon already up, and the main balloon (that will become huge in the stratosphere) rising in the background and taking over. From ...

13 – 14-Aug-2021: Everything worked!
The gondola landed on 13-Aug around 5 am in a wooded area, and it was found and brought by helicopter to Esrange where our team was already waiting. We ...

12-Aug-2021: Launch day!
Update 1:00: And we did it, and it flew! The last few hours were intense, no time for blog. I will sleep a bit and try to be there at ~ 6 am when the ...

11-Aug-2021: Cryo-sampler and liquid neon
Today’s post is about one of my favorite pieces of equipment: the cryo-sampler. This is the device that will collect large stratospheric air samples from ...

10-Aug-2021 (1): No launch today
We had a “NO launch” decision for today: flight conditions were not very good (possibly wet) and the after-flight recovery of the payload ...

10-Aug-2021 (2): The team
It is a good moment to introduce the TWIN team. We are 15 scientists, from 6 institutions, from 3 countries. We have different expertise and will combine ...

9-Aug-2021: Preparing to fly
In the last days the equipment has been installed and mounted in the TWIN gondola. We have in the flight package: several Aircores a cryosampler for large ...

6-Aug-2021: Intense installation days
Yesterday we managed to get all our luggage, including the missing equipment! That was a big victory. Other than that, it was a really intense and long day ...

4-Aug-2021: Equipment installation work
We are in the equipment installation phase: the gondola and all the equipment have to be set up and mounted together. This is quite a big work, and has to ...

3-Aug-2021: Travel to Kiruna
We (Elena, Sophie, Steven and Alessandro) are traveling to Kiruna, Sweden. More precisely, to the Esrange Space Center. This is, for us, the start of the ...